Dunia 2013 – 10 years

Dunia, from Indonesian this word can be interpreted as «The World».
Also it is in tune with two words «dune» and «dunes».
Ten years ago The Organization Of International Cooperation of city Koksijde had decided to hold the festival of world cultures on the picturesque dunes of Oostduinkerke next to the square Astrid.

Visitors had an opportunity to enjoy the music and the dancing performances, tasty food, exotic drinks, to purchase handmade and to receive interesting information about customs and every day life of different nations.

Due to the unique location and the variety of people «Dunia» is an exceptional event. During the festival you could be immersed in the landscape of sandy dunes surrounded by the nature of the North Sea.

This year The Cultural Centre of Ukraine in Belgium has also joined to the festival, presenting Ukrainian culture.

The paintings that had been drawn in various parts of Ukraine, the books and catalogs of well known Ukrainian artists and writers provoked a great interest among the visitors.

The digital presentation of modern Ukrainian art was held during the festival. Much attention has been drawn to the national Ukrainian food (sandwiches with “salo” and horseradish, pickled cucumbers) and drinks (vodka, kvas, uzvar).

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